Donation Request

Donation Request

PTCI supports community efforts that enhance the quality of life for our members and customers.

To request a donation from PTCI, please submit your request at least 14 days prior to the event. The event must be held inside PTCI’s service area.

    Tell us about your organization.

    What is your organization's name?*

    Give a brief description of your organization.*

    What is your event?*

    Does the event take place inside the PTCI service area?*

    Tell us why we should donate.*

    How will the donation be used?*

    Has your organization previously received donations from PTCI?*

    Donation amount or item requested:*

    How do we contact you?


    Email address*

    Phone number*

    To whom should a check be made payable?*

    Enter NA if not applicable

    What is the organization's mailing address?*

    Tell us more about your event.

    When is the event?*

    How many people will be attending?*

    Where will the event be held?*

    How will you promote the event?*

    How else will PTCI be recognized for donating or sponsoring?*

    As a cooperative, PTCI shall not approve any request for donations and contributions for individuals, political campaigns, religious organizations, or social-movement organizations. Likewise, PTCI shall not approve any request for donations and contributions for groups that discriminate on the basis of age, race, sex, or national origin or that do not advance the public purpose of the cooperative.

    Preference will be given to organizations that: Provide education and other beneficial services to area youth and senior members, especially STEM programs. Provide a vital service that is not otherwise available in the service area. Support community events, celebrations and programs that benefit all or large portions of the Cooperative membership/customers or significant portions of the community in which the event is held. The event must be held inside PTCI's service area.