PTCI Annual Meeting to take place April 21st, 2022.
PTCI will hold its first in-person Annual Meeting since 2019, on Thursday, April 21 inside the Expo Hall of the Texas County Activity Center. The event will feature a free barbeque meal, door prizes purchased from locally-owned businesses throughout the cooperative’s coverage area, member gifts, and a business meeting.
This meeting is important. It’s important because, as a cooperative, PTCI adheres to the seven cooperative principles. The first principle is open and voluntary membership. Cooperatives are owned by their members who are also their customers. Membership is open to all people who can reasonably use its services and stand willing to accept the responsibilities of membership, regardless of race, religion, gender, or economic circumstances.
Principle No.2, is that the coop is run by democratic member control. The members actively participate in setting policies and making decisions. Representatives are elected among the members and are accountable to them.
The Annual Meeting also touches on Principle No.7, concern for the community. PTCI wants to show appreciation for our cooperative members, both residential and business. A cooperatives strength is in the people—those that are customers, members, directors, and even our employees. It’s the people that help us keep strong communities in the Oklahoma Panhandle.